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our great wall of friends

It's more than just a "like" to us...

We genuinely love hearing from our friends through social media. Be it a ‘Like’, follow or comment, we think each interaction is important and should be shared. That was the inspiration behind the Oliver’s Labels, Great Wall of Friends - a monument to our friends on social media. The interactions you have with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and our blog will be printed on an actual physical label. Then, we stick that label on our Great Wall of Friends at Oliver’s Labels HQ and take a photo to share back with you! Join the online conversation to be a part of our wall, our company, and our story.

Oliver's Labels and SickKids Foundation

To make our Great Wall of Friends even more meaningful and special, last year Oliver's Labels announced that we would make a donation to the SickKids Foundation for each label posted on our wall throughout 2014. The outpouring of support we received was so remarkable and kept us pretty busy printing and posting new labels to the wall every day. And after a year, we're absolutely thrilled to announce that Oliver's Labels has donated $10,000 to the SickKids Foundation - an organization whose work touches so many young children's lives, and is very near and dear to us personally. What started as a little project has grown to make a big difference and we couldn't have done it without all of our customers, friends and fans. So a great big THANK YOU to all of you who contributed your voice to our wall and this worthwhile cause. We couldn't have done it without you.